
Control Your Anger So It Doesn't Control You.

Control Your Anger So It Doesn't Control You.

Anger is a normal human emotion, just like feeling sad or happy. However, if anger is not managed properly and is expressed in harmful ways, or persists over a long period of time, then it can lead to problems in relationships at home and at work and can affect the overall quality of your life

Be a Warrior, Not a Worrier.

Be a Warrior, Not a Worrier.

40% of the things we worry about never happen, 30% are in the past and can't be helped, 12% involve the affairs of others that are not our business, 10% relate to sickness- real or imagined.. 
so only 8% of the things we worry about are likely to happen.

How can we overcome these (mostly) invalid thoughts in order to reduce our worrying and anxiety?

Why We All Should Be Compassionate

Why We All Should Be Compassionate

In our modern society, we are losing touch of feelings of togetherness and unity, so it is no surprise that people are becoming very self-centred. It's easy to get caught up in your own goals, your own happiness and your own problems. Humans are built to connect, we are social creatures, it's in our nature to be compassionate. The problem is that this nature has been buried under things like social media, new technologies, increased populations and segregation.