
Control Your Anger So It Doesn't Control You.

Control Your Anger So It Doesn't Control You.

Anger is a normal human emotion, just like feeling sad or happy. However, if anger is not managed properly and is expressed in harmful ways, or persists over a long period of time, then it can lead to problems in relationships at home and at work and can affect the overall quality of your life

Be a Warrior, Not a Worrier.

Be a Warrior, Not a Worrier.

40% of the things we worry about never happen, 30% are in the past and can't be helped, 12% involve the affairs of others that are not our business, 10% relate to sickness- real or imagined.. 
so only 8% of the things we worry about are likely to happen.

How can we overcome these (mostly) invalid thoughts in order to reduce our worrying and anxiety?

How To Remain a Calm Parent When Your Teen is Making You Angry

How To Remain a Calm Parent When Your Teen is Making You Angry

When you push to control your chid’s behaviour before managing your own anger, your sending the signal of ‘I’m out of control, you need to change so I can feel better’.

Of course, no parent wants to go from zero to 100, it is for the most part unintentional and like I said, an automatic response. The best way around this is- acknowledging what’s going on, understanding how important it is to get control—and ultimately gaining control of ourselves. 

 Here are some things I’ve found to be helpful for parents when I work with them.

Why We All Should Be Compassionate

Why We All Should Be Compassionate

In our modern society, we are losing touch of feelings of togetherness and unity, so it is no surprise that people are becoming very self-centred. It's easy to get caught up in your own goals, your own happiness and your own problems. Humans are built to connect, we are social creatures, it's in our nature to be compassionate. The problem is that this nature has been buried under things like social media, new technologies, increased populations and segregation.

The Best Break Up You Will Ever Have..

The Best Break Up You Will Ever Have..

Last week, I spoke about the 4 ways we could be sabotaging ourselves. Now i'd like to share with you exactly what is behind that chit chatter that goes on in our minds- The Ego. 

4 Ways You Could Be Sabotaging Yourself

4 Ways You Could Be Sabotaging Yourself

Sometimes, that little thing in our heads called the brain can be our worst enemy and we don't even know it. As humans we adapt very quickly, and when we get used to things we are less likely to all of a sudden look at something from a different perspective in order for change to take place.

So here are 4 ways you could be sabotaging yourself. 

Difficulty Making a Lasting Change?

Difficulty Making a Lasting Change?

Over my life and career, I've seen it time and time again where people set out to make a change in their life, whether it be wanting to improve their diet, trying to get more sleep, wanting to choose healthier relationships or deciding to go to the gym.

There is a big difference between wanting to make a change and actionably making a change. They say what you say about  yourself is a reflection of what you want to be and what you actually do is a reflection of who you are.